Ruminations on Small Rooms

Did you even know the Eagles Club in Seward had a 3rd performance space? If you check their website to inquire about it, you’ll see no information on the so-called B Room. Members of the actual fraternal order will tell you they’ve never even noticed the brown accordion-style door that leads to the forgotten club game room.

It’s easy to miss even if you’re a non-dues-paying regular at the bar. On a typical weekend night, you might hear a square dance gently blaring from the Main Hall and a godawful punk racket from the North Hall. Unlike many cross-generational bars in the Twin Cities, Eagles 34 hasn’t had its regulars and old-time members driven away by hipster influx. On the contrary, the patrons come together in a friendly/hostile hodgepodge not unlike our own beloved radio station.

It’s in this spirit that KFAI Vinyl Voices launched our Every Other Friday series in the secret space at the Eagles. Legally holding no more than 67 people, the room’s wood-paneled walls feel like the perfect backdrop for a pre-smoking ban poker night or a Larry Clark photo shoot. In a city full of bars blasting EDM and the occasional rare soul 45 shindig, what better venue could there be for a non-pretentious, come as you are record night?

Though every event will feature a bonafied (autocorrect wants me to change that to “boneheaded”) KFAI mixmeister, the 2nd slot is open to YOU. Yes, you, the record buying public. The average radio listener. The thrift store dabbler and the new vinyl junkie. Just as KFAI opened the airwaves to community folks that didn’t own their own transmitter and equipment over 30 years ago, KFAI Vinyl Voices levels the playing field for those with a few dozen records but a modest turntable setup at home.

We want you to sign up for a shift and learn the (seriously not that hard) art of playing one record after another. We’ve got two turntables and a basic mixer that say you can do it. We’ll promote your upcoming gig on-air and make you look cool in front of your friends.

Drop us a line now at Being a bi-weekly event, space is limited. If we get a good enough response, I bet we can expand to Every Friday. After all, we’re meeting in a secret room that even the club forgot.

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